




发布日期:2024-07-14 作者:华体会

2024年07月16日,Frontiers Conversations(前沿面临面)线上勾当将在北京时候19:00和大师碰头。Frontiers Conversations 是由Frontiers主办的系列在线钻研会,该勾当华体会体育app将按期约请范畴内专家就学术进展和期刊成长等热门话题与泛博学者进行分享与交换。 本期Frontiers Conversations约请到Frontiers in Energy Research (IF:2.6|CiteScore: 3.9) 期刊主编(Field Chief Editor)格赖夫斯瓦尔德年夜学(University of Greifswald)的 Uwe Schr der 传授和期刊栏目主编(Specialty Chief Editor)华中科技年夜学的杨海平传授。两位将环绕将来绿色能源范式:电化学与生物资能睁开分享。 【主讲佳宾】 Uwe Schr der Professor Institute of Biochemistry, University of Greifswald Prof. Uwe Schr der studied chemistry at the Humboldt University in Berlin from 1990-1995, Germany, where he also completed his doctorate in physical chemistry. As a fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, he conducted research at the University of Oxford. He habilitated at the University of Greifswald and was Professor of Sustainable Chemistry and Energy Research at the TU Braunschweig between 2008-2021, where he was also director of the Institute for Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry. In 2021, he changed institution and is now a professor for Electrobiochemistry at the University of Greifswald. With more than 180 publications and 20.000 citations, Uwe Schr der s research is dedicated to fundamental and applied aspects of electrochemical energy conversion and storage with a strong emphasis on microbial electrochemistry and microbial electrochemical technologies, and green electrosynthesis. Uwe Schr der joint Frontiers in 2013 as an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Energy Research and was promoted to Specialty Chief Editor for the Bioenergy and Biofuels section in 2015. In 2018, he became Field Chief Editor of Frontiers in Energy Research. [分享主题] Beyond Batteries - Electrochemistry for Greener Processes Our society is facing major challenges with regard to the sustainable use of our environmental resources. In the public debate, the topics of individual mobility and a sustainable and climate-friendly supply of energy and chemical products stand out in particular. In this context, the public associates electrochemistry primarily with the development of electrochemical energy storage systems (batteries). However, the applications of electrochemistry go far beyond this. This lecture is intended to show the contributions that electrochemistry can make as a building block and link in future regenerative energy and material conversion technologies. The focus will be on selected work from our own group on the sustainable use of biogenic material systems for energy conversion green chemistry. This includes issues relating to future mobility (regenerative fuels), sustainable chemical processes and the potential recovery of energy from wastewater streams using bioelectrochemical systems. Prof. Haiping YANG obtained her Ph.D in Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2005, focused on Biomass/solid wastes thermochemical conversion for green H2 production, liquid fuel and carbon contained materials and chemicals. So far she has published over 200 SCI papers, 10 book chapters and SCI citation is over 20000 with 10 papers cited in ESI and the highest citation of one SCI paper is over 5000. Now she owns National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars program (China), the Excellent Young Scholars program (China), Newton Advanced Fellowships, the Most Cited Chinese Researchers (Elsevier, 2014-2023) and also Top 2% of Scientists on Stanford List 2022-2023. She is Specialty Chief Editor in Bioenergy and Biofuels forFrontiers in Energy Research, also associated editor of Fuel Processing Technology, and board member of Energy Conversion and Management, Fuel,Journal of the Energy Institute,Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,Cabon Capture Science and Technology and Green carbon, she is also Board Directors member of Combustion Institute and Chinese Renewable Energy Society. [分享主题] Biomass: The Future of Green Energy Biomass as the only carbon contained renewable resources, it not only can substitute fossil fuel for power, but it also shows the possibility for high value chemicals and materials, it is very important to energy, chemistry, environment, etc. various field. Also, when with carbon capture or carbon utilization was combined, it is carbon neglective, and plays a significant role for the carbon neutral target. It is the future of green energy. Thermochemical conversion can convert biomass to H2 rich gas fuel, liquid oil, carbon contained materials, and chemicals. It is the most promising technology of biomass utilization. In this lecture, the thermochemical conversion process was introduced respected to hydrogen and high value carbon materials production, also some new technologies were showen, especially with the development of new energy and in combination with new heating methods, such as solar power, molten salt energy storage, and joule heating, etc. Also, the prospective was elaborated with the point view of carbon neglective utilization of biomass. 【Frontiers】 Paul Du joined Frontiers in 2022 as the Head of the Editorial Team for China in the Physical Science and Engineering team. He leads the team in China, focusing on commissioning and enhancing researcher collaboration for Physical Science and Engineering journals. Prior to joining Frontiers, Paul was a Senior Project Manager at Clarivate, where he held various roles related to publishing services, academic promotion, and intellectual property management. In his final position at Clarivate, he led the publishing and society services team, supporting publishers in implementing their peer-review processes and enhancing global impact through professional data and analytics. Jianwei Zhao graduated from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications. In 2022, Jianwei joined Frontiers, bringing two years of relevant experience in the publishing industry.Currently, he is primarily responsible for the commissioning ofFrontiers in Energy Research. [期刊简介] Frontiers in Energy Research是瑞士出书社Frontiers旗下的开放获得期刊。本注销版颠末严酷同业评审的化学相干文章,颁发关在能源研究各个方面的原创研究文章、评论文章、评论。旨在摸索能源研究各范畴的可延续成长和手艺前进,以帮忙出产靠得住且经济实惠的能源来历。 期刊首要存眷以下16个标的目的:

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