发布日期:2024-09-08 作者:华体会
北京时候2024年9月6日晚八点,iCANX Talks 第202期约请到了法国埃菲尔年夜学Yamin LEPRINCE-WANG传授作为主讲佳宾,法国埃菲尔年夜学Abderrahmane Kherbeche传授、西北年夜学经光银传授也将进行分享!另外,中国香港城市年夜学宋宇传授担负佳宾,中国科学院北京纳米能源与系统研究所张弛担负主持人。 这将是一场会聚顶尖学者的嘉会,配合切磋前沿科技与学术挑战!更多出色,敬请等候! 【佳宾介绍】 ZnO Based Nanomaterials for Industrial Applications: From Nanogenerators to 5th Generation Road Todays world faces two closely related serious problems: energy shortage and environmental pollution. The impact on environment and on human health of different pollutants produced par human activities including energy production, especially chemical pollutants, is becoming critical due to their drastic consequences on our main vital resources: water and air. In recent years, extensive efforts of fundamental research and developing practical processes have been devoted to the green energy production and to the polluted water air treatment. ZnO, as a multifunctional semiconductor, has been widely studied since 20 years for its piezoelectric nanogeneration for microelectronic device power suppling. On the other hand, the semiconductor-based photocatalytic process has shown a great potential as an environmental-friendly and sustainable treatment technology by using solar energy. Among the photocatalytic materials, nanostructured ZnO is a promising candidate for its high surface/volume ratio, its easy-controllable low cost synthesis, and its chemical thermal stability. The ability of ZnO based photocatalysis technology has been widely demonstrated to remove persistent organic compounds (such as dyes, antibiotics, microorganisms) in water, and toxic gases (such as NOx, COVs, ) in air; and its photocatalytic efficiency can be enhanced by transition metal doping process. ZnO nanostructures can also be synthesized on civil engineering materials for self-cleaning road application to avoid the soil pollution. 现今世界面对两个紧密亲密相干的严重问题:能源欠缺和情况污染。人类勾当发生的分歧污染物对情况和人类健康的影响,特别是能源出产中的化学污染物,正在变得相当主要,由于它们对我们的首要生命资本:水和空气发生了严重的后果。最近几年来,年夜量的根本研究和开辟适用进程的尽力都投入到了绿色能源出产和污染水和空气处置中。作为多功能半导体的氧化锌(ZnO),因其压电纳米发电能力,为微电子装备供电,自20年前以来已被普遍研究。另外一方面,基在半导体的光催化进程显示出作为情况友爱和可延续处置手艺的庞大潜力,它操纵太阳能。在光催化材猜中,纳米布局的氧化锌因其高比概况积、易在节制和低本钱的合成和化学和热不变性而成为一个有但愿的候选材料。基在氧化锌的光催化手艺已被普遍证实可以或许去除水中的持久性有机化合物(如染料、抗生素和微生物)和空气中的有毒气体(如NOx、COVs等);其光催化效力可以经由过程过渡金属搀杂进程来提高。氧化锌纳米布局也能够合成在土木匠程材料上,用在自洁净道路利用,以免泥土污染。 [BIOGRAPHY] Yamin Leprince-Wang is Full Professor (Exceptional Class) at the Gustave Eiffel University (UGE), France, where she is Head of the Materials Science Engineering Master s degree course. Her main research interest consists of synthesis and characterization of 1D 2D oxide nanomaterials and their applications in energy and environment fields, such as nanogenerator of electricity, solar cells, chemical sensors, and water air purification using photocatalysis process. She received B.S. degree from Zhejiang University in China (1985), M.S. PhD degrees from University Paris VI in France in 1991 1995, respectively; then joined UGE (ex. UPEM) in 1995. Chief of the Material Science Department between 2006-2010, and leader of the Laboratoire de Physique des Mat riaux Divis s Interfaces (LPMDI, UMR CNRS 8108) between 2008-2014, she co-authored more than 120 peer reviewed papers, 2 books, and 3 patents. Yamin Leprince-Wang 是法国 Gustave Eiffel 年夜学(UGE)的正传授(特级),她在那边担负材料科学与工程硕士课程的负责人。她的首要研究爱好包罗一维和二维氧化物纳米材料的合成和表征,和它们在能源和情况范畴的利用,如电力纳米发机电、太阳能电池、化学传感器和利用光催化进程的水和空气净化。她在1985年在中国浙江年夜学取得学士学位,1991年和1995年别离在法国巴黎第六年夜学取得硕士和博士学位;随后在1995年插手UGE(前UPEM)。在2006年至2010年时代担负材料科学系主任,并在2008年至2014年时代带领了分离材料与界面物理尝试室(LPMDI,UMR CNRS 8108),她合著了跨越120篇同业评审论文、2本书和3项专利。 Abderrahmane Kherbeche 法国埃菲尔年夜学 Hydrodynamics and gas/liquid mass transfer around bubbles in gas/liquid/solid reactors Gas/Liquid/Solid (GLS) reactors have played a crucial role in the development of chemical and industrial processes. The performance of these reactors relies heavily on hydrodynamics and gas/liquid mass transfer. Typically, GLS reactors, often containing packing particles, confine rising bubbles to illustrate various physical phenomena that significantly influence hydrodynamics and can potentially enhance mass transfer performance. The presence of solid packing particles in these reactors leads to greater bubble deformation, extended rising residence time, and a thinner liquid film, all of which accelerate gas-liquid mass transfer. In this iCANX talk, I propose to present how to experimentally quantify the contribution of the near solid surface by investigating bubble/solid surface contact from a multi-scale perspective and its impact on hydrodynamics and gas-liquid mass transfer. What are the new methods for mass transfer quantification at the local scale, and how can controlling bubble/solid interactions optimize the performance of Gas/Liquid/Solid reactors? 气/液/固(GLS)反映器在化学和工业进程的成长中阐扬了要害感化。这些反映器的机能在很年夜水平上依靠在流体动力学和蔼/液质量传递。凡是,GLS反映器中经常含有填充颗粒,这些颗粒限制了上升气泡的活动,以展现各类显著影响流体动力学的物理现象,并可能加强质量传递机能。在这些反映器中存在固体填充颗粒,会致使气泡变形更年夜、上升逗留时候耽误和液体膜更薄,所有这些都加快了气-液质量传递。在此次iCANX演讲中,我提议展现若何经由过程从多标准角度研究气泡/固体概况接触来尝试量化近固体概况的进献和其对流体动力学和蔼-液质量传递的影响。在局部标准上,有哪些新的方式可以量化质量传递,和若何经由过程节制气泡/固体彼此感化来优化气/液/固反映器的机能? [BIOGRAPHY] Abderrahmane Kherbeche is an Associate Professor in Process Engineering applied to the Environment at Gustave Eiffel University since September 2020. He defended his Ph.D. on September 7, 2016. He was a post-doctoral researcher in Xi an Jiaotong University (China) from 2017 to 2019, Lecturer in Sorbonne University (Campus Pierre et Marie-Curie) from 2019 to 2020. He is Head of the Process Engineering bachelor s degree course. He gained expertise in multi-scale investigation of Bubble/Drop/Solid interactions, studying hydrodynamics and gas/liquid mass transfer in Gas/Liquid/Solid three-phase systems. His research involved the use of sophisticated optical equipment, such as ultra-fast cameras capturing up to 2 million frames per second, combined with colorimetric techniques, in various laboratories in China (Xi an Jiaotong University), France (Gustave Eiffel University, INSA Toulouse, Sorbonne University Paris), and Morocco (Ecole Hassania des Travaux Publics). He was awarded by UNESCO Keizo Obuchi International Fellowship of Excellence from the Government of Japan and a CNRS Excellence Fellowship in Morocco. Additionally, He coordinates two research projects and Co-authorship 14 papers at top international journals spanning the fields of Chemical Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, and Environmental Engineering and intended 14 international conferences. Abderrahmane Kherbeche自2020年9月以来是法国 Gustave Eiffel 年夜学情况进程工程利用的副传授。他在2016年9月7日完成了他的博士论文答辩。他曾是西安交通年夜学(中国)的博士后研究员(2017年至2019年),并在索邦年夜学(皮埃尔和玛丽 居里校区)担负讲师(2019年至2020年)。他是进程工程学士学位课程的负责人。他在气/液/固三相系统中研究气泡/液滴/固体彼此感化的多标准查询拜访方面堆集了专业常识,研究了流体动力学和蔼/液质量传递。他的研究触及利用复杂的光学装备,如每秒可捕捉高达200万帧的超高速摄像机,连系比色手艺,在包罗中国西安交通年夜学、法国 Gustave Eiffel 年夜学、图卢兹国立利用科学学院、巴黎索邦年夜学和摩洛哥哈桑尼亚公共工程黉舍的多个尝试室中进行。他曾取得日本当局结合国教科文组织 小渊国际卓异奖学金和摩洛哥国度科学研究中间优异奖学金。另外,他调和了两项研究项目,并在化学工程、流体力学和情况工程范畴的顶级国际期刊上配合撰写了14篇论文,并在14个国际会议上颁发了演讲。
Guangyin JING 西北年夜学 ZnO Nanomaterials in Action: Antimicrobial Applications as a Case Study Nanomaterials are celebrated for their exceptional properti华体会体育appes and wide-ranging applications, making them a focal point of contemporary research. Among these, zinc oxide (ZnO) has garnered significant interest due to its versatility in various fields, notably in air and water treatment. While Professor Yamin LEPRINCE-WANG has extensively studied these applications, this presentation will explore another promising aspect of ZnO its potential as an antimicrobial agent. Here, I will present a case study on the latest advancements and applications of ZnO nanomaterials in antibacterial treatments. When synthesized in nanostructured forms, ZnO demonstrates remarkable properties, including high surface area, enhanced reactivity, and improved biocompatibility. These features position ZnO as a strong candidate for biomedical applications, particularly in combating microbial infections. I will delve into the mechanisms by which ZnO nanoparticles exert their antimicrobial effects, offering insights into their potential as effective antibacterial agents. 纳米材料因其出色的特征和普遍的利用而备受赞誉,成为今世研究的核心。在这些材猜中,氧化锌(ZnO)因其在各个范畴的多功能性而遭到特殊存眷,特别是在空气和水处置方面。虽然Yamin LEPRINCE-WANG传授已普遍研究了这些利用,但本次演讲将切磋ZnO的另外一个有前景的方面 它作为抗菌剂的潜力。在这里,我将介绍ZnO纳米材料在抗菌医治中的最新进展和利用的案例研究。当以纳米布局情势合成时,ZnO表示出显著的特征,包罗高比概况积、加强的反映性和改良的生物相容性。这些特征使ZnO成为生物医学利用的强有力候选材料,特殊是在抗击微生物传染方面。我将深切切磋ZnO纳米颗粒阐扬其抗菌效应的机制,供给对其作为有用抗菌剂潜力的看法。 [BIOGRAPHY] JING Guangyin is a Professor at the School of Physics, specializing in soft matter physics, biophysics, and their medical applications. He earned his bachelors degree from Sun Yat-sen University in 2002 and his Ph.D. from the School of Physics at Peking University in 2007. He then conducted postdoctoral research at ESPCI Paris and Paris-Sud University. In 2009, Dr. Jing joined the School of Physics at Northwest University, where he established the Soft Matter Physics Laboratory. He currently serves as the Director of the Department of Materials Physics. Dr. Jings research focuses on active matter, self-propelled microswimmers, collective behavior, and their biomedical applications. He is also part of a joint research team selected for the Sino-French Scientific Research Partnership Program. To date, Professor Jing has published over 80 peer-reviewed articles. 经光银传授是物理学院的传授,专门研究软物资物理、生物物理和其医学利用。他在2002年取得中山年夜学学士学位,2007年取得北京年夜学物理学院博士学位。以后,他在巴黎高档工业物理化学学院和巴黎南年夜学进行了博士后研究。2009年,景博士插手了西北年夜学物理学院,并在那边成立了软物资物理尝试室。他今朝担负材料物理系主任。景传授的研究集中在活性物资、自驱动微游动体、集体行动和其生物医学利用。他仍是被选中加入 中法科学研究火伴打算 的结合研究团队的一部门。至今,景传授已颁发了80多篇同业评审的文章。
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