
化学Chemistry Metals strengthen with increasing temperature at extreme strain rates 在极端应变速度下,金属随温度升高而加强 ▲ 作者:Ian Dowding Christopher A. Schuh ▲ 链接: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07420-1 ▲ 摘要: 在此,在应变率年夜在 106s1且没有冲击归并的环境下进行微弹道冲击测试,我们发现温度升高157 C后,铜的强度增添了约30%,在纯钛和金上也不雅察到了这类结果。这类效应是背反直觉的,由于正常前提下,几近所有材料加热时会变软。 这几种纯金属的异常热强化是节制变形机制产生转变的成果,从热激活强化到位错的弹道输运,位错经由过程声子彼此感化履历阻力。研究成果指出了一条从高速制造操作到崇高高贵音速运输,能更好建模和猜测各类极端应变率前提下材料机能的路子。 ▲ Abstract: Here, with microballistic impact testing at strain rates greater than 106s1, and without shock conflation, we show that the strength of copper increases by about 30% for a 157 C increase in temperature, an effect also observed in pure titanium and gold. This effect is counterintuitive, as almost all materials soften when heated under normal conditions. This anomalous thermal strengthening across several pure metals is the result of a change in the controlling deformation mechanism from thermally activated strengthening to ballistic transport of dislocations, which experience drag through phonon interactions. These results point to a pathway to better model and predict materials properties under various extreme strain rate conditions, from high-speed manufacturing operations to hypersonic transport. Photocatalytic doping of organic semiconductors 有机半导体的光催化搀杂 ▲ 作者:Wenlong Jin, Chi-Yuan Yang et.al ▲ 链接: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07400-5 ▲ 摘要: 在此,我们陈述了光催化搀杂OSCs,该方式可以在室温下利用空气作为弱氧化剂(p型搀杂)进行操作。这是一种可以利用在各类OSCs和光催化剂的通用方式,发生跨越3000 S cm 1的电导率。 我们还展现了成功的光催化还原(n型搀杂),和同时p型搀杂和n型搀杂的OSCs,此中用在连结电荷中性的有机盐是独一耗损的化学物资。我们的光催化搀杂方式为推动OSC搀杂和开辟下一代有电机子器件供给了庞大的潜力。 ▲ Abstract: Here, we report a previously undescribed concept for the photocatalytic doping of OSCs that uses air as a weak oxidant (p-dopant) and operates at room temperature. This is a general approach that can be applied to various OSCs and photocatalysts, yielding electrical conductivities that exceed 3,000Scm 1. We also demonstrate the successful photocatalytic reduction (n-doping) and simultaneous p-doping and n-doping of OSCs in which the organic salt used to maintain charge neutrality is the only chemical consumed. Our photocatalytic doping method offers great potential for advancing OSC doping and developing next-generation organic electronic devices. 物理学Physics Dispersion-assisted high-dimensional photodetector 色散辅助高维光电探测器 ▲ 作者:Yandong Fan, Weian Huang et.al ▲ 链接: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07398-w ▲ 摘要: 在此,我们证实了具有空间和频率色散的简薄弱膜界面可以在波矢量域中投射和定制偏振和频谱响应。经由过程这类方式,我们可以将高维光信息编码成单次成像,并借助深度残差收集解码。 我们的研究不但可以经由过程单一装备和单次丈量在宽带频谱上实现肆意夹杂全斯托克斯偏振态的光的周全表征,并且还能供给与最早进的单一用处小型化偏光计或光谱仪相媲美的机能。 ▲ Abstract: Here we demonstrate that simple thin-film interfaces with spatial and frequency dispersion can project and tailor polarization and spectrum responses in the wavevector domain. By this means, high-dimensional light information can be encoded into single-shot imaging and deciphered with the assistance of a deep residual network. To the best of our knowledge, our work not only enables full characterization of light with arbitrarily mixed full-Stokes polarization states across a broadband spectrum with a single device and a single measurement but also presents comparable, if not better, performance than state-of-the-art single-purpose miniaturized polarimeters or spectrometers。 天文学Astronomy Star formation shut down by multiphase gas outflow in a galaxy at a redshift of 2.45 在一个红移为2.45的星系中,多相气体流出终止了恒星的构成 ▲ 作者:Sirio Belli, Minjung Park et.al ▲ 链接: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07412-1 ▲ 摘要: 在此,我们陈述了在红移2.445处履历快速淬灭的年夜质量星系的JWST光谱阐发成果。我们探测到微弱的电离气体流出和壮大的中性气体流出,其质量流出率足以熄灭恒星构成。 我们没有检测到X射线和无线电勾当;可是电离气体发射谱线的特征暗示了超年夜质量黑洞的存在。由此我们认为,超年夜质量黑洞可以或许经由过程有用地喷射中性气体来敏捷按捺年夜质量星系中恒星的构成。 ▲ Abstract: Here we report JWST spectroscopy of a massive galaxy experiencing rapid quenching at a redshift of 2.445. We detect a weak outflow of ionized gas and a powerful outflow of neutral gas, with a mass outflow rate that is sufficient to quench the star formation. Neither X-ray nor radio activity is detected; however, the presence of a supermassive black hole is suggested by the properties of the ionized gas emission lines. We thus conclude that supermassive black holes are able to rapidly suppress star formation in massive galaxies by efficiently ejecting neutral gas. 生物学Biology Life-cycle-coupled evolution of mitosis in close relatives of animals 动物近缘中有丝割裂的生命周期耦合演变 ▲ 作者:Hiral Shah, Marine Olivetta et.al ▲ 链接: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07430-z ▲ 摘要: 在此,我们利用比力基因组学和超微布局成像的综合方式来研究动物和真菌的近亲Ichthyosporea的有丝割裂策略。 我们发现这个分支中的物种已分化为真菌样的闭合有丝割裂或动物样的开放有丝割裂,多是为了撑持分歧的多核或无核状况。我们的研究成果注解,多核生命周期有益在闭合有丝割裂的演变。 ▲ Abstract: Here we use an integrated comparative genomics and ultrastructural imaging approach to investigate mitotic strategies in Ichthyosporea, close relatives of animals and fungi. We show that species in this clade have diverged towards either a fungal-like closed mitosis or an animal-like open mitosis, probably to support distinct multinucleated or uninucleated states. Our results indicate that multinucleated life cycles favour the evolution of closed mitosis. 医学Medicine A whole-slide foundation model for digital pathology from real-world data 基在真实世界数据的全切片数字病理学模子 ▲ 作者:Hanwen Xu, Naoto Usuyama et.al ▲ 链接: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07441-w ▲ 摘要: 在此,我们展现Prov-GigaPath。这是一个全切片病理学根本模子,它对来自美国普罗维顿斯市的171189张全切片中的13亿张256 256病理图象进行了预练习。普罗维顿斯市有28个癌症中间。 这些切片来自涵盖31种首要组织类型的3万多名患者。为了预练习Prov-GigaPath,我们提出了一种新的视觉转换器架构GigaPath,用在预练习十亿像素的病理切片。为了将GigaPath扩大到具稀有万个图象块的切片级进修,GigaPath将新开辟的LongNet方式利用在数字病理学。 为了评估Prov-GigaPath,我们同时利用来自普罗维顿斯市和TCGA数据构建了一个数字病理基准,包罗9个癌症亚型使命和17个病理使命。经由过程年夜范围预练习和超年夜上下文建模,Prov-GigaPath在26个使命中的25个使命上到达了最早进的机能,在18个使命上比其他方式有了显著改良。 连系病理陈述,我们进一步证实了Prov-GigaPath在病理视觉说话预练习方面的潜力。综上,Prov-GigaPath是一种可在各类数字病理使命中实现最早进的机能的开放权重根本模子,它证实了真实世界数据和全切片建模的主要性。 ▲ Abstract: Here we present Prov-GigaPath, a whole-slide pathology foundation model pretrained on 1.3 billion 256 256 pathology image tiles in 171,189 whole slides from Providence, a large US health network comprising 28 cancer centres. The slides originated from more than 30,000 patients covering 31 major tissue types. To pretrain Prov-GigaPath, we propose GigaPath, a novel vision transformer architecture for pretraining gigapixel pathology slides. To scale GigaPath for slide-level learning with tens of thousands of image tiles, GigaPath adapts the newly developed LongNet method to digital pathology. To evaluate Prov-GigaPath, we construct a digital pathology b华体会体育appenchmark comprising 9 cancer subtyping tasks and 17 pathomics tasks, using both Providence and TCGA data. With large-scale pretraining and ultra-large-context modelling, Prov-GigaPath attains state-of-the-art performance on 25 out of 26 tasks, with significant improvement over the second-best method on 18 tasks. We further demonstrate the potential of Prov-GigaPath on vision language pretraining for pathology by incorporating the pathology reports. In sum, Prov-GigaPath is an open-weight foundation model that achieves state-of-the-art performance on various digital pathology tasks, demonstrating the importance of real-world data and whole-slide modelling.特殊声明:本文转载仅仅是出在传布信息的需要,其实不意味着代表本网站不雅点或证实其内容的真实性;如其他媒体、网站或小我从本网站转载利用,须保存本网站注明的“来历”,并自大版权等法令责任;作者假如不但愿被转载或联系转载稿费等事宜,请与我们联系。