




发布日期:2024-09-01 作者:华体会





北京时候6月11日晚八点,iCANX Youth Talks第五十九期约请到了韩国科学手艺院Kyeongha Kwon,代尔夫特理工年夜学Alina Rwei,多伦多年夜学Daniel Franklin三位传授主讲,北卡罗来纳年夜学教堂山分校Wubin Bai传授担负钻研佳宾,Mengdi Han担负主持人,等候你一路插手这场常识盛宴。


Kyeongha Kwon


The Role of Wireless Technologies in Shaping Digital Healthcare


Viral pandemics, exemplified by COVID-19, underscore the increasing impor华体会体育apptance of non-contact, remote patient monitoring via wireless medical devices. These systems collect medical health metrics and vitals, such as blood pressure, heartbeat, respiration rate, hydration levels and various biomarkers of different diseases from the user s devices. Typically utilizing medical wearables and mobile applications, users transform their smartphones into portable laboratories for advanced diagnostics and continuous disease tracking. In this talk, I will discuss the wireless, flexible devices such as an implantable cardiac monitor, and different non-invasive platforms to improve the digital healthcare system, overcoming spatial-temporal gaps in current healthcare provision.



Kyeongha Kwon (Seoul, 1988) is an Assistant Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering, as well as a joint professor in the Department of Semiconductor Engineering, and the Graduate School of AI Semiconductor at KAIST. Her research interests span a wide range of topics in wireline communication, bioelectronics, and battery management system. She is an active Technical Program Committee (TPC) Member of IEEE InternationalSolid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) and IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC). In 2024, she has served as the Country Representative of Korea for the ISSCC Far-East Region. Since 2023, she has held the position of Kwon Oh-Hyun Endowed Professor, funded by Oh-Hyun Kwon, the former Chairman and CEO of Samsung Electronics.

Kyeongha Kwon(首尔,1988年)是韩国高档科技学院电气工程学院的助理传授,同时也是半导体工程系和人工智能半导体研究生院的结合传授。她的研究爱好涵盖了有线通讯、生物电子学和电池治理系统等多个范畴。她是IEEE国际固态电路会议(ISSCC)和IEEE定制集成电路会议(CICC)的活跃手艺打算委员会(TPC)成员。2024年,她担负ISSCC远东区韩国的国度代表。自2023年以来,她一向担负由三星电子前董事长兼首席履行官权五铉帮助的权五铉特聘传授职位。

Alina Y. Rwei


Shedding light on precision biosensing: from wearable bioelectronics to single-particle detection


Optical-based biosensing platforms have the potential to enhance our insights into personalized, real-time diagnostics. Wearable bioelectronics are essential in the development towards such patient-centered technologies, yet current limitations in biosensing also emphasize the need of understanding the fundamentals of biosensing on a single molecule level. In this talk, I will discuss our efforts in the development of soft, flexible wearable optical-based bioelectronics for the monitoring of cerebral hemodynamics on one of the most fragile patient populations: neonatal and pediatric patients. The discussion will then be followed by our work on an aptamer-based biosensor for the real-time, optical detection of endotoxin, a deadly pyrogen. We demonstrate the regeneration and reusability of the sensor suitable for repeated endotoxin measurement. The single molecule detection mode is enabled by dark field microscopy. These platforms have the potential to advance biomarker detection to safeguard the whole value chain: from healthcare products to the health of our patients for real-time detection and diagnostics.



Dr. Rwei is an assistant professor in TU Delft. She received her undergraduate and Ph.D. degrees at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), with her undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering and Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering. Her Ph.D. training was conducted under the supervision of Professor Robert Langer at MIT and Professor Daniel Kohane at Harvard Medical School. She then proceeded to a postdoctoral position in Professor John Rogers lab at Northwestern University. She was the recipient of the Postdoctoral Fellowship Research Training Award (TL1) from the Clinical and Translational Science Awards

Program by NIH/NCATS. Her postdoctoral work pioneered the development of flexible, wearable biosensors designed to have a miniaturized size and mechanical softness suitable for fragile populations such as neonates and children. As a principle investigator in TU Delft, she aims to work at the interdisciplinary fields of precision medicine and chemical engineering, developing biomedical technologies in sensing and therapy for next-generation medicine. Her experience has yielded publications in high-impact journals including Nature Medicine, Nature Biomedical Engineering,

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) and Science Advances.

Dr. Rwei 是代尔夫特理工年夜学的助理传授,她在麻省理工学院(MIT)取得了本科和博士学位,本科学位是化学工程,博士学位是材料科学与工程。她的博士练习是在麻省理工学院的Robert Langer传授和哈佛医学院的Daniel Kohane传授的指点下进行的。以后,她在西北年夜学的John Rogers传授的尝试室担负博士后职位。她曾取得美国国立卫生研究院/临床与转化科学奖(NIH/NCATS)的博士后研究培训奖(TL1)。她的博士后工作首创了柔性、可穿着生物传感器的开辟,这些传感器设计具有微型尺寸和机械柔嫩性,合适新生儿和儿童等懦弱人群。作为代尔夫特理工年夜学的首席研究员,她致力在在精准医疗和化学工程的交叉范畴工作,为下一代医学开辟生物医学手艺,用在传感和医治。她的履历带来了在高影响力期刊上的颁发,包罗《天然医学》、《天然生物医学工程》、《美国国度科学院院刊》(PNAS)和《科学进展》。

Daniel Franklin


Wearables for Continuous Hemodynamic Monitoring and Classification


Heart failure occurs in approximately 64 million people annually and is one of the leading causes of death globally. Characterized by periods of stability punctuated with life-threatening spells of instability, patients periodically travel to clinics for cardiac assessments. While vital, these visits incur extensive resources and only provide data during the time of evaluation. Wireless, non-invasive, monitoring devices (i.e. wearables) are gaining popularity with patients and clinicians for providing data in between hospital visits allowing for improved insight and early, timely intervention. However, many of these devices are still limited to heart rate, pulse oximetry, and activity levels.

Here, we summarize our recent progress towards comprehensive cardiovascular monitoring and status classification by utilizing multiple, custom, time-synchronized wearables. Through wearable spectrometers and pulse arrival time models, we target independent correlates of hemodynamic function that not just estimate blood pressure, but also the regulatory mechanisms by which it is maintained or modulated. When applied to remote patient management, we posit that this will enable clinically actionable insights via the ability to classify and monitor types of heart failure and its progression in remote environments.

心力弱竭每一年影响约6400万人,是全球首要的灭亡缘由之一。它以不变期和生命要挟的不不变期为特点,患者需要按期前去诊所进行心脏评估。固然这些拜候相当主要,但它们耗损了年夜量资本,而且仅在评估时代供给数据。无线、非侵入式监测装备(便可穿着装备)因其能在病院拜候之间供给数据而遭到患者和临床大夫的接待 这有助在提高洞察力并实现初期和时干涉干与。但是,很多这些装备今朝仍仅限在监测心率、脉搏血氧饱和度和勾当程度。



Daniel Franklin is an Assistant Professor in the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Toronto, and the Ted Rogers Chair in Cardiovascular Engineering at the Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Failure. He received his doctorate in Physics at the University of Central Florida studying light-matter interactions and developing experimental optoelectronic technologies. As a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Northwestern University, he worked with Professor John Rogers in the fields of bio-integrated electronics and soft-matter photonics. There, Professor Franklin developed novel bioresorbable materials, laser systems, and flexible wireless implants and wearables for hemodynamic monitoring. Throughout this work, he has won numerous awards including the Baxter Young Investigator Award and the Displaying Futures Award from Merck KGaA, Germany the world s largest producer of liquid crystal material. Now, in his new role at University of Toronto, Professor Franklin s lab combines optics, engineering, and physiology to produce medical technologies for commercial translation, in partnership with industry-leading semiconductor manufacturers.

Daniel Franklin 是多伦多年夜学生物医学工程研究所的助理传授,同时也是 Ted Rogers 心脏衰竭中间的 Ted Rogers 血汗督工程主席。他在中佛罗里达年夜学取得了物理学博士学位,研究光与物资的彼此感化,并开辟尝试性的光电子手艺。作为西北年夜学的博士后研究员,他与 John Rogers 传授一路在生物集成电子学和软物资光学范畴工作。在那边,Franklin 传授开辟了新型生物可接收材料、激光系统和用在血活动力学监测的柔性无线植入物和可穿着装备。在这项工作中,他取得了浩繁奖项,包罗巴克斯特青年研究者奖和德国默克公司(全球最年夜的液晶材料出产商)的 Displaying Futures 奖。

在多伦多年夜学的新脚色中,Franklin 传授的尝试室连系光学、工程学和心理学,与行业领先的半导体系体例造商合作,出产医疗手艺以供贸易转化。


Mengdi Han



Wubin Bai


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